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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a subtle, gentle, effective form of energy healing using spiritually guided life force energy. A Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction that promotes healing, Reiki can be administered in person or from a distance. It is a beautiful, loving energy that is safe and natural.

What is Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki?

Usui Reiki is a form of spiritual practice systematized by Mikao Usui from Japan. It may be used as a complementary therapy for a variety of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues. It is a non-invasive approach that helps improve overall well-being and vibrant health by restoring balance beyond the limits of the physical body.


Holy Fire@ Reiki is an ever-evolving energy first introduced by the International Center for Reiki Training in 2014. It is a spiritual energy that promotes wholeness through purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. Since its original Holy Fire® version, the vibrational frequency has continued to upgrade, and the current iteration is referred to as Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki.


Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki is a combination of the traditional Usui Reiki, systematized by Mikao Usui, and the contemporary, higher vibrational energy channeled in 2014.


The Holy Fire® energy is noticeably more refined than traditional Reiki and comes from a very high level of consciousness. This style of Reiki has unlimited potential in healing personal issues and in developing one’s spiritual nature. Because it works specifically on an individual basis, the Holy Fire® energy has the potential of developing higher levels of consciousness in each person who experiences it.

The Holy Fire® energy

  • Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up

  • Always respects free will

  • Heals deeply and quickly without distress

  • Heals relationships and interactions with others

  • Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way

  • Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience

  • Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have, such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, and peace

  • Provides a nurturing feeling of being loved

  • Once received, continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective

How is Holy Fire® Reiki different from traditional Usui Reiki?

Both are forms of Reiki, a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction that promotes healing. One is not better than the other; they are just different.


  • Traditional Usui Reiki uses three specific symbols for Level II and one Master symbol to focus the healing energy. 

  • Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki introduces symbols unique to this system in addition to the traditional symbols in Level II and Master classes. The additional symbols install a higher level of consciousness than the traditional symbols.

Techniques / Teaching Methods


  • Traditional Usui Reiki provides a detailed, complicated sequence of attunements in which the Reiki energy comes through the teacher and into the student.

  • Usui / Holy Fire® Reiki provides attunements, renamed Placements and Ignitions, in which the Reiki energy is installed directly into the student’s energy field from Reiki Source energy itself, bypassing the teacher, allowing each student to experience a personal, direct connection with Reiki. In Level I & II, the Holy Fire® Reiki energy and symbols are “placed” into the student’s field; in the Master class, the Holy Fire® energy is “ignited.”

Vibration / Frequency

For some time, humanity has been going through a vibrational shift of spiritual awakening. One of the basic tenets of this shift is the belief that we are all One, not only with other people and the Creator, but also with ALL beings. It is typically referred to as the Ascension, the Ascending Earth, or ascending to the 5th dimension. It is a shift from head-based to heart-based consciousness. 

Usui taught that Reiki is ever-evolving, something to be developed. Reiki is of the highest vibration imaginable – a frequency with infinite potential.  No matter how developed or evolved one’s healing energy becomes, it will only be a small amount of the potential healing energy that is available. As we move into a higher heart-based state of being, we will be able to channel a higher frequency of Reiki energy. This is the premise of the introduction and evolution of Holy Fire® Reiki.

While Traditional Usui Reiki is a beautiful healing energy, we cannot remain at the level of consciousness of 100 years ago. We can, and will continue to channel higher vibrations of Reiki as we raise our consciousness.

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