One-on-One Personal REIKI TRAINING
Receive personalized one-on-one instruction.
Train on weekdays that are convenient for you.
Customize your Reiki certification training to fit YOUR schedule.
Choose in-person or online training.
Train with Kelly Jean, a certified Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki® Master. You will receive full Reiki training (as outlined below) in a private, one-on-one setting. You decide how you wish to customize your training. You can take the complete Level I & Level II training in 2 consecutive days, OR you can take Level I, integrate/process your training, and then come back for your Level II training when you are ready.
The personal investment is the same for private training and group training.
Registration fee for Level I = $215
Registration fee for Level II + $215 (pre-requisite is Level I training with Kelly)
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I & II Training & Certification
Reiki is a beautiful life-force energy given to us as a gift to renew and heal ourselves. In this 2-day class, you will be attuned to Reiki energy, connecting you to this incredible source of love. You will be opened to the flow of Reiki enabling you to channel its energy to others and yourself. You will be taught how to allow this divine gift to come from the light above, through your heart, and out your hands.
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I/II Training classes are taught together in a weekend workshop - 930 am - 6 pm each day. On completion of the class, you will be certified in Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki, and you will be able to give Reiki treatments to yourself and others. It is recommended that you practice for 6 months to a year before you take the Reiki Master class.
Holy Fire is a new form of Reiki introduced by the International Center for Reiki Training. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. It is included as part of Usui Reiki classes.
This beginning training is one of the most thorough and comprehensive available. It includes both Reiki I & II and is a combination of the Western style as introduced by Mrs. Takata with the Japanese style and the Holy Fire Energies. The following subjects are taught:
What is Reiki?
How does it work?
The origin and history of Reiki
The nature of Reiki energy, why people get sick and how Reiki heals
The Holy Love experience that places Divine Love into your heart
The Reiki Ideals
The Human Energy System
The complete hand placement system
Giving a complete Reiki treatment for self and others
Gassho meditation
Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas needing healing (usually in the aura) and to treat them
Reiji-Ho: Using inner guidance to know how and where to treat
Kenyoku: Dry bathing, a method to purify and cleanse your energy field
Gyoshi-ho: Sending Reiki with the eyes
Koki ho – using the breath to send Reiki
Dr. Hayashi Healing Guide for specific conditions
Using Reiki for pets, plants, food, crystals, and more
How to see Auras and Past Lives
Protecting your energy field from negativity or picking up other’s energy
Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits or create new, healthy ones
Distant healing to send Reiki to family, friends, and world situations
Reiki II symbols: How to draw, activate and use them. Their many uses are explained and their inner meaning is discussed. Practice time is given so students know from experience how the energy of each symbols feels and the results each symbol produces.
Placements for Reiki I, II and III are given.
​The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, the self -treatment, practice using all the level II symbols including distant healing, and practice using all the Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.
In Usui/Holy Fire III, attunements are called Placements. Placements are done differently than attunements, but have been developed to provide more effective healing energy and to empower the symbols in a more powerful way. The Placements make use of Holy Fire energy which is why they are more effective. However, the standard Usui Reiki II symbols are used in this class.
This workshop includes Holy Fire III Reiki I & Reiki II attunements, certificates, and the complete manual for Reiki I & II, Reiki The Healing Touch by William Rand. Also included is a one-year subscription to Reiki News Magazine.
The cost for Usui/Holy Fire Reiki I & II together is $430 with a $175 non-refundable deposit. This is the price set by the International Center for Reiki Training.
Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.